Meet Ruby! Adventure buddy, yard work helper, and snuggly lap dog. She is a 2-year-old Arubian Cunucu, weighing around 45 lbs. Ruby came to the USA at 10 weeks old and has been in a loving home with the same family since. With her playful energy and affectionate nature, Ruby makes a loyal and devoted companion who thrives on outdoor activities and cozy nights at home. While she is full of love for her people, Ruby can be nervous around strangers and young children. She would do best in a calm, experienced home where she can feel safe and continue building confidence at her own pace. She is looking for someone who appreciates her quirks and can provide her the structure and care she needs to shine. A non city home without kids and a nice closed yard is what would be great for Ruby. Nice nature trails for lots of sniffing and fun.
Some of her fun traits include playing hide and seek with her toys, tug of war, popping bubbles, and basic agility. Ruby is available in the CT/NJ/NH/NY area.
Corvi (Ruby) is 1.5 yrs old and completely vetted. She weighs 45 lbs. She is looking for a home in a non city like environment with a nice closed yard. No small kids. Dog experience.
Want to adopt Corvi (Ruby) (f) USA, 2.5 yrs, completely vetted?
Complete and submit the form below.